
Rocket Drones

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The Rover Binding procedure should be preformed each time a drone or controller is power cycled. This must be done one drone/controller at a time to avoid errors.

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Step 1

Each pilot should perform the Preflight Checklist. Then have the first pilot power on their controller by pressing the power button.


Step 2

Have that same pilot power on their drone by pressing the “Power” button of their drone for 3 seconds.


Step 3

Now have that pilot push the left stick up and down until the controller beeps and the drone lights go solid.


Step 4

Repeat these steps 1-3, one student at a time, until all controllers and drones are bound properly.

drone image

If a controller is bound to more than one drone, please power off those drones and controller and restart these steps again.

Step 5

Once bound, students should verify and adjust trim as needed. Drift/Trim calibration can be found here.

drone image

Drones should be trimmed for drift prior to any activity.

Video: Classrooom Drone Troubleshoot Multi Bind

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