
Rocket Drones

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Procedures:Drift Trim

Drift/Trim calibration should be completed when the drone drifts to one direction or does not position hold. Moving air from air conditioners or fans may contribute to drift and should be minimized as much as possible.

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Step 1

Complete the Rover Binding procedure. Binding procedure can be found here.

Step 2

Place the drone on a flat and level surface. Calibrate the drone by pressing the right stick and left stick to the bottom right corners. No beeps will be heard, but the drone lights will flash then become solid.


Step 3

The pilot should fly up to chest height or above classroom obstacles. Then let the drone hover and observe the direction of drift. Ensure to orientate the drone before trimming with the red lights on the drone indicating forward.

Step 4

Press in and hold the left stick, then use the right stick to adjust trim to the opposite direction of the drift. Example, if the drone drifts to the left, press and hold left stick and push the right stick to the right. Beeps will be heard for each time the trim is adjusted.


Step 5

To reset the trim, press and hold the left stick while powering on the controller. This will be followed by three beeps, confirming the trim settings have been reset.

Video: Classroom Drone Drift Trim

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