Drone Limbo is designed to showcase line of sight flying and the importance of depth perception. Have the students place the string around two desk legs. Pull them apart so that the string is tight. Students should attempt to fly under the string without crashing. After each student has successfully passed under the string, move the string down a few inches and repeat. Students should focus on control and line of sight flight skills.
Download PDFActivity Type | Competitive |
Activity Time | 5-10 Mins |
Student Groups of | Up to 6 at a time |
Difficulty | Easy |
Supplies | Safety Gear, Drone, Controller, Batteries, String, Inflatables |
Designated Flight Area | Clear area free of obstructions and moving air. Recommend atleast 10x10 ft. |
Site Safety Inspection
Preflight Inspections
Step 1
Have the students set up the limbo string across two of the inflatables. Tie the string loosely and pull the inflatables apart to tighten the string.
Step 2
Have each pilot begin the binding procedure, one at a time.
Step 3
After all drones are bound, have each pilot take off and fly under the limbo line. Music can be added to increase the fun!
Dance Music
Step 4
Once all pilots have successfully made it under the limbo string, pilots should hold position until the students push the limbo line down a few inches.
Step 5
Once the course is clear, have the pilots fly under the limbo string again! Repeat until no one can fly under the string. Last pilot to make it under the string without touching the string or the ground, wins!!!